Tammy Ritter
Board Certified Massage Therapist

About Me

Reiki Master/Teacher

Healing Touch Practitioner

Clairvoyant Reader

Intuitive Counselor

Ordained Minister

Empathic Healer

Board Certified Massage Therapist

Hospice Massage Therapy

I have been a healer since 1997. I have worked with people suffering the loss of a loved one, cancer patients, chronic pain sufferers, victims of abuse, and molestation survivors. I also have worked with babies, animals, adults, the elderly, and those passing over at the end of their life's Journey. I am honored that God trusts me to help his children.

I, like many healers of my caliber, had a rough beginning in life. I was born two months premature, barely existing and struggling hard to live. My pediatric nurse Jackie held my two little hands in hers and said to me “you have to live little one, these hands are going to help people. She was right, my hands were blessed and I did have a mission to fulfill.

It is an honor to be able to bring the love and light of the divine Christ light to the world.

Sincerely, Tammy M. Ritter